Views: 68 Author: Site Editor Publish Time: 2022-10-08 Origin: Site
Project Information:
Project Name: Palmeraie Substation Transformer Expansion Project
Owner: Electricite de Djibouti(EDD)
Awarded Date: 2022.09
What We Supplied:
Project News:
The project, which is expected o be completed by the end of 2023, includes the construction of a dual fuel diesel power generation station and associated works and accessories, the expansion and development of the transmission network, the measurements, protection, control, and communication systems, and consulting services. The project includes the following main components:
Damerjog Power Generation Station: This includes the construction of Phase I of a diesel powered generation station with installed capacity of 50MW which operates on natural gas and heavy fuel oil, and all civil, mechanical and electrical works for the project’s Phases I and II.
Expansion and Development of the Transmission Network: This includes the construction of two new substations, the expansion and development of two existing substations, the installation of aerial power lines, and the laying of power cables, in addition to civil and electrical works and accessories. This includes the following components:
Nagad Substation: This includes the procurement and installation of equipment and the construction of a new 100 MVA air-insulated substation operating on 230/63/20 kV, as well as civil and electrical works, and systems for measurement, protection, control, and communications, and their accessories.
Damerjog Substation: This includes the procurement and installation of equipment and the construction of a new 100 MVA air-insulated substation operating on 230/63/20 kV, as well as civil and electrical works, and systems for measurement, protection, control and communications, and their accessories.
Boulaos Substation: Expansion of the existing 63/20 kV substation, and the development of the measurement, protection, control and communications systems.
Palmeraie Substation: Expansion of the existing 63/20 kV substation, and the development of the measurement, protection, control and communications systems.
Aerial Lines: Procurement and construction of 230 kV double circuit aerial lines to connect the Damerjog substation to the two substations at Nagad, and Nagad Train Station.
Underground Cable: Procurement and laying of 63 kV underground power cables between the Nagad substation and the substations at Boulaos and Palmeraie.
Consulting Services: This includes consulting services needed to review and complete the project’s specifications and design, tender documents development and bids evaluation, assistance during contracts negotiations, supervision of the project’s implementation, participation in factory tests, and follow-up of operation performance and maintenance work during the guarantee period.
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