Views: 56 Author: Site Editor Publish Time: 2023-01-14 Origin: Site
Project Information:
Project Name: Design, Supply, Construction and Commissioning of Conductor Replacing(Turnkey)(132kV Mann-Magway Transmission Line, 61.3km)
Owner: Ministry of Electric Power (MOEE)Department of Power Transmission and System Control (DPTSC)
Delivery Date: 2023.01
What We Supplied:
ASTM-JLRX1/F1B-250/28 491 MCM (Gransk)
Stocking Joint
Assembling Type Stocking Joint
Hydro-Compressor Equipment
Joint Cover
Conductor Cutter
Single Suspension Insulator String with Arcing Horn
Double Suspension Insulator String with Arcing Horn
Single Ttension Insulator String with Arcing horn
Double Tension Insulator String with Arcing Horn
Jumper Insulator String
Phase Modulation Tension Insulator String with Arcing Horn
Vibration Damper
Compression Mid-Span Joint Sleeve
Repair Sleeve
Tension Clamp
Project News:
Uninterruptible and reliable supply of electricity is critical for sustaining economic growth and meeting poverty reduction objective. Recently Myanmar has embarked on wide-ranging economic reforms resulting in a fast growing economy. Gross domestic product (GDP) grew on average at 7.5% per year during the period 2011 2013, reaching $55.8 billion in 2013. However, GDP per capita stood at $915, and per capita electricity consumption was only 165 kilowatt-hours (kWh) in 2013. The country's electrification ratio has almost doubled from 16% in 2006 to 31% in 2013 with Yangon City achieving the highest electrification ratio (78%), followed by Nay Pyi Taw (65%), Kayah (46%), and Mandalay (40%). The rural areas have electrification ratios averaging about 21%. This set of indicators for Myanmar is amongst the lowest within the Association of Southeast Asian Nations countries.
The Government of the Union of Myanmar is determined to maintain strong economic growth and to improve living standards for its population. According to the projection of the Ministry of National Economic Development, Myanmar's GDP will grow at an annual average rate of 7.1% from 2015 to 2030 under a medium growth scenario. To keep pace with the economic growth and accelerate poverty reduction, demand for electricity is expected to grow at 9.6%, increasing from 10,112 gigawatt-hours (GWh) in 2013 to 49,924 GWh in 2030. To meet the rising demand for electricity against the backdrop of continuous strong economic growth, Myanmar will need to expand the power sector including development of new generation sources and the expansion of transmission and distribution networks.
Reliable electricity supply is crucial for the Yangon region. Being the cultural and business hub of Myanmar, Yangon region has been and will be consuming around 50% of the country's electricity supply. To supply power to Yangon region, Myanmar plans to construct a 500 kilovolt (kV) backbone connecting various power stations in the north and the south of the country. Currently, Yangon's transmission system operates mainly at 66 kV. With growing demand, expected in years to come, the 66 kV risks overloading, and therefore more 230 kV transmission lines and substations will be needed to carry greater loads to provide reliable electricity supply. Upon completion of this project, the inner perimeter of the supply grid which currently operates at 66 kV will be upgraded to 230 kV, helping to reduce losses, and increasing reliability for Yangon transmission and distribution system.
Priority areas for power sector development. The government, with assistance from the Asian Development Bank (ADB) and other development partners, is formulating long-term development plans for the energy and power sectors. For the power sector, areas of priority have been identified, including (i) improvement and upgrading of the transmission and distribution systems, especially in Yangon and Mandalay regions; (ii) rehabilitating existing power generation plants and constructing new ones; (iii) reinforcing the transmission grid and substations; and (iv) expanding transmission and distribution networks to connect more consumers, particularly in rural areas.
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